Case Studies


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Tourmo AI Fleet Management Case Studies

Leverage data, draw insights that matter, and automate your workflows with Tourmo's AI-powered solutions.

Flexible Modular Product Suite

Start using AI to optimize your operations

Automated Driver Management

Streamline driver task management through system-driven exceptions with follow-up actions, equipping drivers with the information needed for self-coaching.

Fair & Unbiased Data Analysis

Patented context-aware AI considers weather, road type, elevation, speed limit, location, history, and much more for total objectivity.

Increased Driver Engagement

Driver scorecards and ranking include feedback, positive reinforcement, and gamification for improved driver safety outcomes.

Drive ➜

Full Map Speeding


Greenhouse Gas Scoring and Reporting

Automate your fleet's carbon footprint monitoring, coaching, and regulatory reporting (including GHG Protocol-Compliant Reporting).

Fuel Irregularity Analysis

Match fuel transactions and pinpoint suspicious activities, ghost transactions, fuel level drops, and missing purchase analysis and alerts.

Maximize Fuel Efficient Driving Behavior

The Tourmo platform processes data from any mobile or telematics device for context-aware driving analytics. Using a targeted scoring system, driver coaching, and gamification, Tourmo increases fleet fuel efficiency. 

Eco ➜

Fuel & CO2 Hero


Maximize Your Current Cameras

Instead of costly replacements, Tourmo will enhance your existing camera systems with time-saving software solutions to reduce false positives, contextualize events, and quickly find specific video footage.

Video Alerts & Triggers

Tourmo will fetch critical video segments, streamlining them into automated workflows, ensuring managers aren't overwhelmed with tasks such as service verification requests and exceptions.

Exception Analysis 

Access dashboards with fleet video analytics and crucial metrics with alerts for significant trends or deviations.

Video ➜

Video Operations Review


Track Plan vs. Actual

Real-time analysis of your plan versus actual with automatic notification of route deviation, unplanned stops, delays at client or plant site, and more.

Digitize Your Manual Tasks

Configurable templates, tasks, and workflows allowing your organization to digitize and automate your unique manual processes, providing automatically escalation and visibility to all internal and external stakeholders.

Workforce Qualification Verification

Gather and maintain all of the required records for your mobile workforce (e.g. driver license, training, certifications) to verify that a worker is fit for duty.  Automate the entire process from requesting, submission, updating, and all related communications.

Work ➜



Leverage Your Data

Aggregate, unify, normalize and correlate your data from infinite disparate sources and point solutions – no rip and replace.

AI-Driven Insights

Use AI and Machine Learning to automate contextualized business intelligence - all in real time.

Powerful Automated Workflows

Create effective, efficient, AI-driven workflows - gain dramatic improvements in cost, and employee, customer and partner experience.

Sync ➜

A - Safety - Exceptions by Level w border


Product Scroller v2
Proof Is In The Data

Experience matters

1 Million

Users on the Tourmo platform

5 Million

Tasks tracked and completed

6 Billion

Miles processed through AI

650 Million

Safety events recorded

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